About our Trust team

Meet the Team          Our Trustee          Trust Basics          Setting Up a Trust          Using the Money in Your Trust          Documents & Forms          Appointments & Payments

Our Trust Team

We work for you

In the United States, there are an estimated 600,000-700,000 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are living with aging family members and have no plan in place for their future.

The Arc of Northern Virginia shines a spotlight on the need to encourage and support families in our communities with creating person-centered future plans. Our team provides practical assistance and resources on future planning items such as expressing wishes for the future, supporting daily and major life decisions, and financing the future.


photo of a mom and her adult son, sitting at a table in their kitchen. The son is leaning sideways, with his head on mom's shoulder, the mom has her left arm around her son's shoulder.

Trust Services Staff

We work with families to plan and safeguard the future for people with disabilities.

close up photo of three roommates sitting at the table in their kitchen. There are vegetables on the table, and the woman in the middle is pouring a glass of orange juice

We Protect Benefits

Our special needs trusts are a way to set aside money for the future so government benefits are not at risk. Government agencies base benefits on the money a person directly controls. Monthly income, savings and assets all must be under low limits.


A close up, head and shoulders photo of a black man and his son, smiling.

We Focus on Reliability

Our mission is make it easy for people with disabilities to have money they can rely on as they grow older. We do that through our special needs trust program. We do that through careful planning and constant learning. We offer services people can afford. And we do it with compassion and understanding.


photo of three friends at a table playing games. Two males on the right are playing cards. A woman wearing a head scarf on the left sits in front of a chess board.

Our Staff are Experts

Our Special Needs Trust team helps keep track of money so benefits stay safe. Our team makes sure payments follow the rules. And whenever rules and laws change, we know about it. We work with people with disabilities and their families every day, every week, year after year. That expertise makes a big difference to our clients.



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